Course Curriculm and Registration 2018
The Team at Revel has created a new exploration in personal discovery that will revolutionize how you experience your World.
Revel 101 – Unveiling the Power of Intimacy – Desire
Discover your core erotic values and design your life from those values. Erotic values are innate, and often misunderstood, qualities guiding how you live life.
Revel 201 – Unveiling the Power of Surrender – Drive
Realize your unique relationship with dominant and submissive dispositions. Begin practicing a new way of relating to yourself and connecting authentically with others, unveiling previously invisible opportunities to receive and contribute powerfully in your relationships.
Revel 301 – Connecting Authentically and Contributing Powerfully – Discipline
Recognize your associative reactions in conflict with your true relationship to each of the baseline imperatives for authentic relating in each sphere of influence.
Begin practicing a new way of relating to yourself and connecting authentically with others by relating authentically from your core values informed principles. Manifest previously unavailable opportunities to exchange authentically in your relationships.
Revel 401 – Studies in Ecstasy – Devotion
Realize your authentic relationship to each of the baseline imperatives for each sphere of influence. Begin practicing a new way of offering yourself and connecting authentically with others. Practice mastering your own natural discipline in experiencing and expressing yourself in your relationships.